Peter J. Polack MD, FACS

"You're About to Learn a

Marketing Automation Secret

Many Ophthalmology (& Medical) Practices

Will Never Know ..."

Dear Colleagues,

Hello, and thanks for coming to see how you could be booking more LASIK/PRK, RLE and Premium Cataract surgeries and elective procedures.

I'm talking about maximizing opportunities when a prospect is interested enough to pick up their phone and call.

Simply put, we all want 3 things:

How hard can that be? Turns out, pretty darned hard, and expensive, and frustrating. This makes opportunities more precious than ever.

Does this sound familiar when your phone rings?

The operator answers… the caller asks a question about a premium service line… the operator offers to transfer the caller to the right staff member…

Four things can happen:

1. Caller says no thanks, hangs up.

2. Caller says yes, call is transferred, coordinator is available and picks up (the least likely scenario, by the way).

3. Caller says yes, call is transferred, coordinator is unavailable, caller hangs up with no voice message, or

4. Caller says yes, cll is transferred, coordinator is unavailable, caller leaves voice message.

Calls Come In, but Aren't Converted Right Away

(So They Often Die on the Vine).

How many Premium Service Phone Leads

Die on the vine every month? Every year?

Do You Know the Actual Count of Opportunities

for LASIK/PRK, RLE or Premium Cataracts

You Get Weekly From Inbound Calls?

No clue? Well, that’s not the worst part...

In most practices, the Refractive Coordinator/salesperson makes around 2-3 outbound phone calls attempting to make first contact.

But unless the caller left their email in their voice message, you have zero email follow-up.

After ~3 attempts, many/most leads are unlikely to ever be called again.

That's not the worst part either. You have:

  • NO record of the opportunity coming in.

  • NOchance to cross-sell them an alternative or another premium service at a later date.

  • OK, Here's the worst part

  • You have ZERO chance to keep them from shopping and buying from your competition.

Here’s How All That Changes in an Instant

I’m talking about a Marketing Automation app called C.A.P.P. (Capture All Phone Prospects).

  • Gives you the power to do caller inquiry handling better

  • Enhances traditional phone inquiry handling which may be costing you cases

  • Gives prospects instant gratification by sending procedure education

  • Makes prospects feel welcome and informed instantly and automatically

  • (Hopefully) Stops prospects from shopping your competition

  • Staunches lead loss caused by faulty hand-off from marketing to sales

  • Helps Refractive Coordinators/Sales immediately start their follow-up

  • Stops lost phone leads

  • Lets you cross-sell new services and products easier

  • Ensures callers know everything you can do for them (so they don't visit your competitor out of ignorance, "Oh, I didn't know you did that.")

Now let’s explore whether or not it makes sense for us to work together.

1. Your goal (hopefully) is to identify the exact steps you could be taking to schedule more surgeries without spending another penny on advertising or hiring an expensive marketing agency.

2. My goal is to give you enough detail for you to decide if you want to accept my private invitation to use this Marketing Automation app for free until it captures enough opportunities to pay for itself 10 times over.

Make sense so far?

If you’re like most of us, you’re looking to increase your Premium Services Revenue, specifically LASIK/PRK, RLE and Premium IOL (without working harder), correct?

If this is not true for your practice, no need to read further...Thanks for coming and congratulations!

If true, think about these 2 questions:

Q1. What lost lead source should you fix first?

A. Your "hottest" opportunities aka inbound phone inquiries.

Q2. What's the fix?

A. Capture All Phone Prospects. Automate your lead capture, nurture and conversion process wherever possible.

Our Launch Offer: "$30K, not 30 Days" CAPP Activation


$0 activation fee.

$0 subscription fee until your pipeline has $30,000 in opportunities in development.

And how much is it? About 1 eyeball per year.

What's the catch? We've allotted 25 accounts for this Launch Offer, after which the price will go up.

If you're ready to accept the Launch Offer, click "Activate My Account" below.

I understand the details but

I am not ready to go live yet

This sounds great!

I'm ready to activate my account

Do You Need CAPP? Lead & Opportunity Quick Audit

Spend a few seconds thinking about what you’re currently doing that could cause your practice to be letting leads and opportunities go cold or vanish.

Hint: Do you have a prospect database of refractive or premium cataract inquiries or are they dead leads (aka sent to the trash) after 3 phone call attempts?

Do you have a sales pipeline with specific conversion steps?

Do you automatically send patient education email sequences and sales follow ups if, by chance, prospect email information is captured somewhere?

Do you know what happens (or doesn't happen) after your phone rings? You're probably spending a helluva lot of money to make it ring...what are you doing after it does?

Where are you right now re: trying to instantly connect with every single lead? You’ve probably heard that the speed of your response is how you book more procedures.

How are you establishing a relationship with callers who inquire about a your Premium Services?

Do you have a strategy defined and operational processes documented for turning calls into sales opportunities?

Here's a sticky one - what's your exact process to engage every cash pay inquiry caller after the call is over?

How many ways do you “touch” them and get them to pick your practice?

Do you have a predictable way to delight callers with valuable patient education? “Irresistible Offers”? Anything?

How hard are you trying to prevent prospects from shopping your competition once they've called you?

Do you have a system that allows you 100% visibility to follow each prospect's progress toward purchase?

Are you currently able to see exactly where every prospect is on their buying journey?

Are your forecasted revenue numbers/metrics for LASIK/PRK, RLE and Premium Cataracts on a dashboard?

Last, do you have a clear way to move refractive or premium cataract candidates into an alternate option and/or additional premium service/s if they are not eligible for LASIK/PRK, RLE or Premium Cataract surgery?

Thank you for indulging my interrogation, er, audit.

Here’s What’s Behind the Audit

I have designed a marketing automation called C.A.P.P. (Capture All Phone Prospects)

  • It literally does Opportunity Triage. You will be staunching the flow of lost leads resulting from inadequate processes for handling phone inquiries.

  • CAPP is a unique and proven system for helping Ophthalmologists and their marketing departments sell more premium services without expensive agency fees…

  • ...without a hiring overpriced copywriters

  • ...and without adding busy work to sales staff duties.

Next Step:

Thinking about your ability to take advantage of premium service phone opportunities right now, where would you like to be, say, 90 days from now?

How long have you been thinking that you might be losing too many surgeries?

What actions have you taken so far to triage this loss?

Have you been able to diagnose how what you're doing is sub-optimal?

We both know hiring a new agency seldom fixes the problem.

Now this may be a tougher question but, Why not stay where you are and change nothing?

Do you feel that opportunity loss could be affecting your revenue enough to look into a new option?

If you answered yes, keep reading.

How C.A.P.P. (Capture All Phone Prospects) works.

Why you need it. How you can get it.

How valuable would adding 10-20 surgeries a month (possibly a week, depending on call volume) might be for your practice:

How much would you be willing to invest in harvesting as many refractive inquiries a month as humanly possible*?

  • $500-$1000 a month

  • $1000-$1500 a month

  • Over $1500 a month

* This is a trick question because you probably have no idea how many cash pay procedure inquiries you get every month…

How it Works. Working Together.

C.A.P.P. (Capture All Phone Prospects) Roadmap.

Now let’s get clear on the steps it takes to triage your opportunity loss as quickly as possible...

Before we dive in it’s important to understand that, even though you've been struggling, you’re not alone!

You've simply been lacking a clear system and the right support. After working in my own practice and speaking with many colleagues, this problem is very common.

The Secret to Getting More Opportunities in 30 Days...

Without Expensive Ads & Agencies

The success I’ve achieved from this system comes from a core belief that three things must be in place:

1. Commitment

Our clients have to be committed to implementing, doing the work, and dedicating the time and energy required for success.

2. Clarity

You have to follow our specific C.A.P.P. (Capture All Phone Prospects) process for 90 days before making process changes.

3. Confidence

The cornerstone of our program is strategy. Our clients' results come from their confidence that we are can help them transform a business-critical funnel.

If you are committed to staunching the flow of lost refractive surgery leads, we hope to work with you to implement the automation.

To qualify for the C.A.P.P.offer you must meet the following criteria. Your practice must be one who:

  • Wants to grow Premium Service revenue

  • Wants local practice domination

  • Wants to adopt more marketing automation

On the other hand, if your Practice:

  • Is not willing to invest in marketing

  • Does not think automation is worth the effort or cost

  • Does not feel like trying anything new

... then this system is not a fit for you (right now).

How can you enroll?

1. We will provision an account for your practice in our system platform - activated and ready for use.

2. Fill in the online form (button below) and we turn it on.

3. Your marketing director and your refractive coordinator (whoever follows-up with inbound callers) book a 30 min. Onboarding and Orientation Meeting.

4. From time to time we may send them short training videos showing how each process step works and what happens as the prospect moves from "new lead" to "surgery booked" to reinforce what they learned in their orientation call.

5. During the Onboarding call, we book a second call (~10 days later) to double back and see if you have any issues or questions. It's your opportunity to discuss improvements you'd like.

Our Offer:


$0 activation fee.

$0 subscription fee until your pipeline has $30,000 or more in opportunities.

At that time you will be asked to move to a paid subscriber.

The offer goal is for the automation to pay for itself BEFORE you pay a penny.

Annual subscriptions will probably be priced about the same as an eye.

If we can't capture and help you close more than 1 LASIK/PRK, RLE or Premium Cataract opportunity a year, we don't deserve to live.

I understand the details but,

I am not ready to go live yet

This sounds great!

I'm ready to activate my account

Thank you for your attention today,

Peter J. Polack MD

Peter J. Polack MD, FACS

P.S. If you have a question or a suggestion simply email my business partner, Becky Smith. She is in charge of software and solution design and is my go-to-gal for system issues and opportunities. BSmith @

© 2023 Practice Domination. All rights reserved.

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